Minisode 10: Full-time travel… one bag… is the THING bag worthy? Featuring Nora Dunn

After traveling around the world full-time Nora had to replace the stuff she carried with her… so at this point every thing she owns is a souvenir of sorts. As my friend Bill Shapiro mentioned during this same event, sometimes Things have a story even before they come into our lives. Nora had learned of … Read more

Minisode 8: A Gaijin, a Sumo & a Gift of Connection featuring Travis Sherry

Travis shares the story of connection, community and legacy through this Sumo handprint given to him as a gift from a Japanese colleague. He had accepted a job teaching English at a small high school in Japan. He and his wife didn’t speak Japanese and most of his fellow teachers didn’t speak English. This was … Read more

Minisode 7: Every T-Shirt tells a Story featuring Jess Grippo

Look & listen as dancer/creative coach Jess Grippo shares the story of this well-used and well-loved T-shirt. Part of her personal history, her life journey is practically woven into its fabric. Part of her journey (& the tee’s too) began in 2004 in Florence, Italy. She was there on a semester abroad program from college. … Read more

Episode 11: A Gravestone, A Cookie Press and Recipes to Die for featuring Rosie Grant

Look & listen as my guest Rosemary (Rosie) Grant, of TikTok fame @ghostly.archives, tells the story of a pandemic inspired baking interest, a library science project and an internship at Congressional Cemetery through the Thing that matters: a vintage aluminum cookie press. Her first stop was Historic Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn NY, where she found … Read more