Episode 9: A Kindle, Kindness & a Thirst for Knowledge featuring Alejandro Bratti

What perfect timing to launch this episode into the world. I first met Alejandro 2 years ago when he and his collaborators offered a New Year’s workshop via LinkedIn and I fell in love with this beautiful human.

Look & listen as Alejandro shares his passion for learning all about life & business through a THING he keeps.

His “thing” is a Kindle. It represents his love of books, reading & learning. You’ll hear Alejandro’s thirst for knowledge and how this thing allows him to “carry” 100’s or more books with him as he travels the world. It allowed him to save money, luggage (aka weight) AND not carry an entire suitcase filled with just books.

“You talk about things… I talk about people” he said. Alejandro is fascinated with how our humanity can help us be better humans. He believes that for a long time companies tried to take out all the humanity from their workforce. They didn’t respect and honor our human skills (aka soft skills). They just wanted results. But if you take out what makes us human you’ll become a machine and then your job can be given to a robot.

His motto is: More human, better people, better companies. I was honored to be a guest on Alejandro’s LIVE event called Believe in yourself, believe in your business… where he talks about how mindset is most critical. How are you believing in yourself & your business?

P.S. I figured out my target market avatar at his event with his marketing guru from South Africa who lead a discussion about giving your avatar a name. She gave a fellow participant the name HENRY (High income, Earner Not Rich Yet). A year later with the help of some fellow entrepreneurs, I came up with my avatars name WEIRDOS (Where Every Individual Remembers Doing Original Stuff). Find more about Alejandro Bratti here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bratti/


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